✮✮✮21 Uplifting Phrases to Boost Your Inner Cheerleader!✮✮✮

What’s the scoop on Positive Self-Talk? Here are 21 uplifting phrases to boost your inner cheerleader!

This post will explain to you what self-talk is and provide some relatable examples of positive self-talk to help you practice self-talk the right way.
  • What is self-talk?
  • The importance of positive self-talk
  • Benefits of positive self-talk
  • Positive and negative self-talk
  • Positive and negative self-talk examples
  • Examples of positive self-talk

What is Self-Talk
The internal conversation that you have with yourself in the form of thoughts is referred to as self-talk. It even includes talking to yourself aloud. 
Most of the time, you will not even be aware of your own self-talk. But, everyone engages in self-talk. It could, however, be either positive or negative.

The Importance of Positive Self-Talk

Negative self-talk will make you feel horrible about yourself and will have an adverse effect on your life. 
Positive self-talk, on the other hand, will enhance your confidence and self-esteem. It has the power to drastically change your

You can't, however, always ensure to talk kindly to yourself. Besides, positive self-talk does not guarantee that you will never have a bad day. 
When life gets hard, it is natural to focus on the negative aspects. But this is the time at which you must compel yourself to think optimistically. It will enable you to have a more optimistic outlook on life and deal with challenges more effectively.

Benefits of Positive Self-Talk
When practiced regularly, there are many benefits of positive self-talk. Here are some of the most significant positive self-talk benefits:

It helps you to deal with stress
  • In today's world, stress has become an accepted reality in our lives. Every day, we all are exposed to a number of stressors. The only difference is how we approach it.
Positive self-talk is one of the simple strategies to deal with stress. Simply changing the way you think and speak to yourself will improve your ability to cope with stress.

It helps you eliminate self-doubt
  • Do you frequently experience self-doubt and lack confidence in your abilities and skill sets? Self-doubt (or negative thinking) can prevent you from achieving your goals, whether in your professional or personal life. It may even discourage you from attempting new things in the first place. 
Positive self-talk helps eliminate self-doubt and empowers you to take action towards your goals rather than overthinking the consequences.

It helps you avoid depression
  • Negative self-talk commonly leads to depression, which has a negative impact on your overall physical and emotional well-being.Positive self-talk, on the other hand, can help you avoid this and see beyond your problems. It has the power to change how you feel and interpret the things around you.

It motivates you to keep going
  • There will be days when you are utterly exhausted and unable to get out of bed. Positive self-talk can help you invigorate and motivate yourself to keep going. It's amazing how easily your mood can shift just by being positive.
Before you practice positive self-talk, you must first understand how negative self-talk develops; and how to handle it.

But how can you tell whether you're engaging in negative self-talk?
  • Firstly, when you blame yourself for every terrible event that occurs in your life.
  • Secondly, when you only perceive things in black or white.
  • Thirdly, when you make unpleasant conditions appear far worse than they are.
  • Fourthly, when you focus solely on the negative aspects and ignore the positives.

Examples of positive self-talk 👇👇👇
Have faith in your own abilities:
1. I am ambitious in following my life goals.
2. My skill sets are sufficient for me to achieve my goals in life.
3. I am up for any task that comes my way.
Be really grateful in life:
4. My life is pretty awesome, and I am thankful for everything I have.
5. I consider myself fortunate to be surrounded by such amazing people.
6. I am grateful for all of the opportunities that have come my way in life.
Stop comparing yourself to anyone else:
7. Day by day, I am improving in every aspect of my life.
8. I am charming, intelligent, and desirable.
9. I am content with simply being myself.
Get over self-doubt:
10. I've done it before, and I'm confident that I can do it again.
11. Fear and anxiety have no power over me.
12. I'm getting rid of any inner beliefs that are obstructing my progress.
Love and care for yourself more often:
13. Every day of my life, I make the decision to live a healthy lifestyle.
14. I am deserving of a healthy mind, body, and spirit. And I'm working on it right now.
15. I'm at ease and confident in my own body.
Let go of perfectionism and accept oneself:
16. I am aware of my flaws and accept them wholeheartedly.
17. I am stunning on the inside and out.
18. I am one-of-a-kind and am proud of who I am.
Avoid focusing on the past:
19. I'm letting go of things that no longer benefit me or help me grow.
20. I accept what I can't change.
21. I am constantly seeking to improve myself.

I hope these positive self-talk examples have helped you create your own mantras and affirmations to practice positive self-talk . I BELIEVE IN YOU

Krista Lee